We would like to take this time to remind you that we will be at your home tomorrow to start your roofing project. Expect your crew from around 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. for a normal start time. Please allow for traffic, equipment, and weather issues that could delay your crew’s arrival time.
[name][address1] [address2][city] [state] [zip] [house_image] Shingle Color: [work_order_color]
Please refer to our pre-job checklist below. If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to call your project manager anytime.
Meet the team that will assist you with your roofing project, as well as other team members you may see on your project or speak with during the job process:
Project Manager
[salesman_name] [salesman_image]
Crew Chief
[crew_chief_name] [crew_chief_image]
Will Lampton
Getting a new roof installed on your house is a great way to update your home and increase curb appeal. Louisiana Roof Crafters has outlined what you can expect during and after your roof installation.
General Roof Installation:
**Material For Your Roofing Job Will Arrive The Day Before or The Morning Of The Project, Louisiana Roof Crafters Does Not Deliver This Material and Has No Control Over The Delivery Schedule, Please Make Note That Louisiana Roof Crafters Does Not Know What Time The Material Will Be Dropped At Your Home**
Click the link below to go to your SSA Client Portal where you can stay up to date on your project and view all of your files.
Once in your SSA client portal click on the Job Name to view all of your files, normally named roof or repair.